Friday, March 18, 2011

Voki Reflection

Voki Reflection

1. Could you use Voki before starting this assignment? yes___ no_X_

2. Would you be able to use Voki independently in another assignment? yes_X_ no___

3. Do you understand how Voki can be used to show your learning in any subject? yes _X_ no___

4. Did you use the social networking feature of Voki ethically and responsibly? yes_X_ no___

5. When you didn't know how to work something on Voki (e.g. getting an account, logging in, adding text, adding special effects ect.) were you able to work through your problem(s) on your own?
yes_X_ no___

6. After completing the "I Love to Read" assignment, did you find any books featured on your classmates' vokis that you might be interested in reading? yes_X_ no___

Voki Assignment